
a different kind of coffee break with Gerry and Ray Coffey

Disease-Free Living Through Fitness and Nutrition


The Original NATURAL HYGIENE Weight Loss Diet Book
by Herbert M. Shelton, D.P.,N.D., Jo Willard and Jean Oswald
$10.00 Plus Shipping 152 pages

200 meal plans, menus, recipes.

"Most popular reducing diets will take pounds off -- but those pounds will be back, with interest, once you stop the diet, leaving you worse off than before. True weight loss, achieving the weight Nature meant you to have, is a matter of eating the way Nature meant you to eat -- giving your body the nourishment it needs for vibrant health.

This book, based on the work of one of the nation's most respected health philosophers, sets out a simple three-week program of healthful delcious eating for weight loss -- and the all-important benefit of maintaining your ideal weight by following the principels and practices of Naturl Hygiene.

"As the easy-to-prepare recipes and meal plans demonstrate, healthful eating and weight reduction can both be rewarding to your appetite and bring about a revolution in your overall health -- with the resluts gratifyingly visisble in only twenty-one days."

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