a different kind of coffee break with Gerry and Ray Coffey
Disease-Free Living Through Fitness and NutritionBOOK REVIEW
by Harvey Diamond, Author Best-Selling: Fit For Life
$19.95 Plus Shipping 273 pages
"In my practice specializing in women's health, I have often wished for a book that would dispel the current hysteria and melodrama around cancer. A book that would clearly and succinctly describe the changes necessary to prevent heart disease and cancer. A book that was engaging and easy to understand. A book that was free of preaching and dogmatic statements. A book that proposed simple changes that anyone could make no matter what the size of their pocket book, or how difficult their circumstance.
"Harvey Diamond's book will inspire and support women to change their health and the health of their loved ones. It is a book that will support the highest vision of women's health."
Carolyn DeMarcho, M.D., Author: Take Charge of Your Body
"This is the breast cancer book we've been looking for. Harvey de-mystifies modern medicine's incurable disease, and puts you in charge." Dr. Marcus Laux, N.D., Editor, Naturally Well
"This extremely well-researched book sends a welcome message of hope to millions of potential victims." Edward A. Taub, M.D., Author, The Wellness Rx
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