a different kind of coffee break with Gerry and Ray Coffey
Disease-Free Living Through Fitness and NutritionBOOK REVIEW
by Rhonda Malkmus
($24.95 Plus shipping)
Reviewed by Gerry Coffey:
Even Mother Teresa, I feel certain, would have been delighted to have made the acquaintance of this exceptional woman; the person her husband most credits for the success of his world famous "Hallelujah Diet."
The first time I heard Rhonda Malkmus speak was an unexpected emotional experience. As evidenced by the advance orders of her new book, even before publication, and the meticulous attention to detail at the conference she was overseeing, Rhonda Malkmus is so obviously competent, it seemed incongruous she is also so totally unassuming, gracious and humble. I daresay there was not a dry eye in the 200 plus audience of Health Ministers when she finished her impromptu talk.
The Reverend George Malkmus met Rhonda the night after his trailer burned down with all his worldly possessions except the clothes he wore on his back. He was selling crafts at a Tennessee Mall on the night before Christmas. Yet despite his misfortune, he had no remorse.
Rhonda, however, was almost completely debilitated with painful arthritis as a result of train wreck 20 years previous.
George encouraged her to look to God and improved nutrition to heal her broken and obese body.
As she attended his lectures and sought daily support, they gradually found a unity in purpose.
He showed her the rudiments of his "Hallelujah Diet" that rescued him from colon cancer. She devised recipes to make his plain food more palatable so others might hear his words of wisdom and then apply it.
Their success of their union in just a few short years is unparalleled. The
Hallelujah Diet is now practiced and led by trained Health Ministers in more than 30
different countries.
And now Rhonda has prepared her famous recipes in a book for all reasons and seasons.
It caters to the needs of infants through senior citizens, and there's instructions to
cover almost any question that could be anticipated.
Whether one prefers raw, roasted, sauteed or pureed, there are ample recipes from which to choose.
Other pluses:
� Print is large and easy to read
� Spiral binding allows pages to lie flat
� Instructions for those unable unable to nurse an infant
� Indentifying/handling a healing crisis
� Feeding children healthfully
� Setting up your kitchen
� Food combining charts
� Foods to avoid and why
� Juicers, Dehydrators, Shopping, etc.
Recipes For Life is the ideal gift for: newlyweds, new mothers, grandparents and/or athletes who wish to improve their performance. GC. $24.95. Available through HEALTHY ALTERNATIVES!
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