August 2000 Edition
This First Edition of Anecdotes
Is Dedicated to the Memory of
Ginny Goodrich
And the Wonderful Way She Knew Animals
table of contents
A Friend in Need
Dove's Gift
A Voice in the Silence of Wings
New Eyes for the Hunter
Gentle Blue-Ringed Eyes: A Journal
Strangers in the Night
Osprey's Blessing
A Language of Light
Squirrel, Sitting Shiva
My Mother's Swan Song
Getting a taste of God's creation as it should be!
The educational purpose of Creatured Connection is to help make this world more compassionate and environmentally friendly and to bring to the public awareness such subjects and issues as: alien, animal, animals, art, article, articles, author, avian, beautiful, beauty, bias, bioethics, biopolitics, bird, birds, book, books, butterflies, butterfly, Canada, consciousness, compassion, creature, creatures, conservation, cygnet, dragonfly, earth, earth day, educate, education, educational, empathy, ethics, environment, environmental, environmentalism, flight, flowers, gaia, gaiaquest, grail, Holloway, human, humane, intelligence, interconnectedness, interrelatedness, intolerance, invasive, lectures, journal, journalism, journalist, monarch, nonnative, native, nativism, nonviolence, natural, opinion, osprey, peace, peacemaking, picture, pictures, poem, poems, poetry, photo, photographs, photography, prejudice, rehabilitation, rehabilitator, relatedness, respect, rights, swan, swans, mute swans, swan song, snow, goose, geese, snow goose, species, sparrow, stereotyping, story, stories, Sue Holloway, teach, teaching, tolerance, trees, tree, Vermont, violence, waterfowl, welfare, wildlife, and wonder.
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