op eds
INFORMATION DRAWN FROM THE FUND FOR ANIMALS WEBSITEIn May a Maryland plan to kill up to 1,500 mute swans was blocked by a lawsuit sponsored by the Fund for Animals. But U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is now proposing a multi-state plan to massacre mute swans across the Atlantic Flyway, beginning as early as August of 2003.
The plan proposes that state agents would be given permits to shoot more than 11,000 mute swans living in Maryland, New Jersey, Virginia, New York and other states in the east. The rationale? Mute swans are preposterously being blamed for degradation of coastal habitat.
Please submit your comments before the July 16 deadline. Take action at:
or go directly to and go to the action box. Within is a section on mute swans, with a letter you may click on.You may also write to:
Mute Swan EA
Division of Migratory Bird Management
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
4401 N. Fairfax Dr.
MBSP 4107
Arlington, VA 22203
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