An Acorn Whistle for Bethany Wanderers
'Miranda: O wonder! How many goodly creatures are there here? How
beauteous mankind is: O brave New world that has such people in't!"
The Tempest, Act 5
No high-tech razzmatazz here...
No laser beams shining to Elysium fields.
Only Bethany Wanderers with
muted halos stepping along in a tribal order
on the Norfolk Trail.
Following Barrie and Steve whose gifted
fingers like Rumpelstiltskin's make gold
from straw.
Viewing the trees a flying carpet of color
we rise above the hill to Roosevelt's hunting
lodge, witnessing chestnut and elm,
butternut and hemlock, attacked by monsters
of cankers and blight, yet still quivering
to redeem life.
Where migrating birds embroider
the sky, lakes and trees, you make
an acorn whistle for us
and point your sacred wand touching
"Fairy Rings," then "Witches Hobble"
and "Dwarf's Fungi," showing us
how Lactarius threads the world together.
Then with winged mane, the flight
of Pegasus, in the forst
where genies from a spineless kingdom
rule the earth.
-- Carol Leavitt Altieri
* Inspired by the Bethany Wanderers' Fall Weekend
and nature trip led by Dr. Stephen Collins at Norfolk, CT
Getting a taste of God's creation as it should be!
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