by - Claire Zoghb
Three months gone
How can it be?
The granite stands mute
gray as that day in March.
New grass
on my grandfather's grave
(how bold the color!)
tiny rapiers in my heart.
A dragonfly descends
floating, darting.My eyes register no form
only an emerald of suchbrilliance and clarity
the color rangpure as the sound
of bells in winter
joined by another,
its blue as precious.
They bob
before my eyes
before the headstone
as if erasing the names
Jadwiga. Walter.
the dates
1895, 1989... 1975, 1991.
As if to say:
Here there are no tears.
No stone.This is what matters:
this movement of sheer color,
the silent music of life
after death
And I knew no need to return
to see full-blown summer.
Getting a taste of God's creation as it should be!
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