Mana: Hawaiian. Blessing, power from heavenMay the sun bless you
with laughter and fire
and the moon glow iridescence
upon your night journeysMay the rains of dawn refresh
each day, and trees
grow lush for shady retreat
May flowers rise
to lead your dance;
the wind chant your songMay birds feather your heart
to soften sorrow,
and the Earth clothed in green
velvet feed you eternityMay the words and deeds
of your life
be the mingling bands
of the rainbow- Sue Holloway
Excerpt from: Chronicles of Healing Self with Nature:
Healing our Separateness
Getting a taste of God's creation as it should be!
The educational purpose of Creatured Connection is to help make this world more compassionate and environmentally friendly and to bring to the public awareness such subjects and issues as: alien, animal, animals, art, article, articles, author, avian, beautiful, beauty, bias, bioethics, biopolitics, bird, birds, book, books, butterflies, butterfly, Canada, consciousness, compassion, creature, creatures, conservation, cygnet, dragonfly, earth, earth day, educate, education, educational, empathy, ethics, environment, environmental, environmentalism, flight, flowers, gaia, gaiaquest, grail, Holloway, human, humane, intelligence, interconnectedness, interrelatedness, intolerance, invasive, lectures, journal, journalism, journalist, monarch, nonnative, native, nativism, nonviolence, natural, opinion, osprey, peace, peacemaking, picture, pictures, poem, poems, poetry, photo, photographs, photography, prejudice, rehabilitation, rehabilitator, relatedness, respect, rights, swan, swans, mute swans, swan song, snow, goose, geese, snow goose, species, sparrow, stereotyping, story, stories, Sue Holloway, teach, teaching, tolerance, trees, tree, Vermont, violence, waterfowl, welfare, wildlife, and wonder.
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