wpe491.jpg (4485 bytes)wpe491.jpg (4485 bytes)CREATURED

Banff, Alberta, Canada

wpe31.jpg (15219 bytes)Intellectuals at a conference:
fancy dancin'
struttin' citations, waxin' words

If I could embrace huge steady mountains,
hold them lovingly within,
how unmoved I would be


wpe32.jpg (40616 bytes)I'd rather sight a magpie, tail deep
of green in midday sun; meander with sureness
of elk, muscles poised and precise

I'd rather ponder a crystalline breeze;
site a lake turned turquoise: billions of melted
snowflakes flowing pure over muddied rocks

I'd rather count gems on our mother's rocky
mountain breasts; let the lullaby of stillness
-- alive, alert silence -- sift through my veins,
cleansing the need for ideas


wpe33.jpg (19227 bytes)- Sue Holloway
~ in Writing Nature, Summer, 1995

With permission from J. Parker Huber, Editor/Publisher, Writing Nature.

The Banff wilderness area, in Alberta, Canada, features towering, snow-capped mountains and lakes of pure, crystalline water. The elk were very wild, yet they passed from the vast national Park into the town of Banff; sunned beside the river, and disregarded humans, who came within feet of them. The fuzzy boundaries -- manmade categories, ignored -- were an epiphany on wildness-as-freedom. (This last photo is of the elk near a motel along the river.)

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Getting a taste of God's creation as it should be!

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