Icelandic Summer
Amid June warmth, harbor
and hooded seals wildly come home.
Dolphins blue-gray and crisp black,
take spins, sunbathing, acrobating
and airlifting; splashing bodies
from sea depths. In endless daylight,
splay-footed puffins strut clasping
wings in prayer like reincarnated monks.
In courting dress, puffins entice mates with
stroking; then pair off on lava-layered
cliffs. Harlequin ducks and pink-footed
geese appear and come into their element.
Myriad others forge bonds with ceaseless
flutterings. Kittiwakes and guillemots too,
find places of refuge here.
Chicks make chirping sounds
from inside eggs, later take
daring leaps over the edge of the cliff.
Arctic terns with elegant wingspans
effortlessly glide and soar, light and bouyant.
All as aristocratic as medieval Sagas
enshrining genetic lineage
of Icelandic Viking Isle.
-- Carol Leavitt Altieri
Getting a taste of God's creation as it should be!
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