Aniversario de la Fundación de la Ciudad
de Nuestra Señora la Reina
de Los Angeles de Porciúncula
Anniversary of the Founding of Los Angeles
a la corta distancia sobre el lago
at a short distance over the lake
los cisnes y los lirios
the swans & the waterlilies
de su manera
se distribuyen
bajo y entre lo sombra y sol
as they are wont to
spread themselves broadly
beneath & among what is shadow & sun
esta vista tan netamente clásica
this scene so clearly classical
huele además a la vez
smacks besides all at once
a lo romántico y lo modernista
of the romantic & the modernista
le habría encantado a Darío
mi amado compadre de antaño
de esta nación etierna
Darío would've loved it
my beloved buddy of yesteryear
fellow countryman
of this tender & eternal nation
- Dennis Holt
Getting a taste of God's creation as it should be!
The educational purpose of Creatured Connection is to help make this world more compassionate and environmentally friendly and to bring to the public awareness such subjects and issues as: alien, animal, animals, art, article, articles, author, avian, beautiful, beauty, bias, bioethics, biopolitics, bird, birds, book, books, butterflies, butterfly, Canada, consciousness, compassion, creature, creatures, conservation, cygnet, dragonfly, earth, earth day, educate, education, educational, empathy, ethics, environment, environmental, environmentalism, flight, flowers, gaia, gaiaquest, grail, Holloway, human, humane, intelligence, interconnectedness, interrelatedness, intolerance, invasive, lectures, journal, journalism, journalist, monarch, nonnative, native, nativism, nonviolence, natural, opinion, osprey, peace, peacemaking, picture, pictures, poem, poems, poetry, photo, photographs, photography, prejudice, rehabilitation, rehabilitator, relatedness, respect, rights, swan, swans, mute swans, swan song, snow, goose, geese, snow goose, species, sparrow, stereotyping, story, stories, Sue Holloway, teach, teaching, tolerance, trees, tree, Vermont, violence, waterfowl, welfare, wildlife, and wonder. (d-2)
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