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Swan feathers merge with dried fragments of reeds
Head and foot touch, encircling a listless body
The wind rushes through, howling, dragging
my breath upward, fogging my glasses

At her side, pink styrofoam buoy, abandoned
and barnacle-strewn; at her tail, emptied Doritos bag,
filled with defiled air. One stiff leg, dark and webbed,
stretches over stained thermal cup

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Tears cannot cleanse this neglect
Three yearlings float mutely at water's edge.
What can they do? The mother's neck, rolled
over, limp, has taken back time itself

In a whirring violin sonata, five adults fly overhead
The living swans circle and return, coming
together like a flower, one bird in the center,
or heart: mysterious, elegant adieu

The breath of their wings forces the waters
into whitecaps, illusion of swans lifting their
heads. They are everywhere, rising, dissolving;
the sea, roiling with swan spirits...

- Sue Holloway -

West Haven, CT
April 5, 2000

~ Excerpt from: Ealadh

The Swan Society

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Getting a taste of God's creation as it should be!

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