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My wish was granted as I learned
who'd made the nest, when spring returned,
and blue jays past my window flew,
bringing along a certain clue:

A long, white ribbon in one's beak
trailed through the air. I tried to peek
with rapt attention, at the pair
who started weaving, unaware

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That I was spying - till I moved,
and my unwelcome presence proved.
Fear, indignation, and surprise -
all darted through their piercing eyes;

They loosed a tirade, made a row,
then plucked their ribbon from the bough,
and, keeping the crests upon their heads
flattened in anger, off they fled.

- Sally Belenardo -
photo is by Lou Belenardo

To read the other half of this diptich story A Storm Brought Treasure

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Getting a taste of God's creation as it should be!

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