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A storm brought treasure down to me -
a wondrous nest - blown from a tree,
where, through the seasons, it had been
kept secret on a hidden limb -

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(To think so fair a nest was made
deep in the branches, undisplayed -
- and I had failed to see or hear
a brood of birds raised very near!)

It was so artfully designed
'twould be a pity not to find
the circled twigs and grass-lined bowl
created by the feathered souls

That through it all a ribbon wound -
a strand of pink - entwined around
in loops and twists and curlicues -
- whose nest it was, I wished I knew.

- Sally Belenardo -
photo is by Lou Belenardo

To read the other half of this diptich story Spring Brought an Answer

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Getting a taste of God's creation as it should be!

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