Our Nature Study Section

From all-creatures.org

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Our Nature Study Section
Comments by Johanna A. Meillon - 6 Feb 2010

In Reference to: Growing a Papaya Tree from Seed

Dear creator of the papaya tree journal,

Thank you for posting your story and instructions on how to grow a papaya tree, as well as the beautiful message on life. I am just beginning to plant my papaya seeds (which I dried first, not knowing whether that was correct or not). I will follow those instructions and hope that they work.

I live in San Diego California, and my mother has an 18 foot banana tree that she planted about 3 years ago. The plant now has about 8 large stocks (plants) and about 5 baby trees, with 4 limbs of fruit. It's amazing how a plant so sturdy, stealthy, and fruit bearing came from just a single seed.

I will also try to grow an avocado tree, as I did before.

Again, thank you for your post and good luck. God bless!

-- Johanna A. Meillon