Our subjects cover: animals, religion (Christian, Jewish and others); diet and lifestyle (vegan and vegetarian); and other miscellaneous subjects.
In Reference to: Caterpillar, Spicebush Swallowtail
Dear sir/madam,
I’m Robbert Oortwijn, from Warner Bros. International Television Production
Nederland B.V. We’re currently working on the second season of the
quiz/panel show called ‘They are just like us’ (local title: ‘Het Zijn Net
Mensen’). It’s a Family show about animal facts compared with human
behaviour. For this show we are searching on the web for surprising and
interesting images and videos.
During our research we found an image posted on your website, perfect for
our show! I was wondering if you are the license holder for this image? If
so, could you tell me your procedure for the licensing of the image? This is
the image:
Our licensing conditions for the image:
Territory: Benelux
License Period: 5 years
Option to extend rights:
Yes, under the same conditions
Media: TV, internet & VOD
Consideration warranty: Only you as licensor represent and warrant to be the holder of the rights in
and to the material and you fully indemnify the Licensee against any (third
party) claim or costs in this respect.
Thanking you in advance and Looking forward to hear from you soon.
Kind regards,
Robbert Oortwijn
TV, Productie
Warner Bros. International Television Production Nederland B.V.
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