DiscussionsVegan Church Establishment
Archive of Comments and Discussions - Questions and Answers From All-Creatures.org

Our subjects cover: animals, religion (Christian, Jewish and others); diet and lifestyle (vegan and vegetarian); and other miscellaneous subjects.

By Janine - 3 Feb 2017

Dear Frank and Mary,

Re: Here's an idea to raise

awareness, in the hopes of making veganism

more welcome, and achieving greater happiness,

in the process:

When you became vegan, did you notice that you seemed to be more happy than before? Is this a strange question?

During the past couple of months, I did an experiment. I started wishing everyone I could think of not just "Happy New Year," but a wish for them, that for 2017, they would all have a "Happier" experience, that of being even more happy than before, for as happy as we can be, striving for greater joy can certainly be quite uplifting, can it not? What if we were able to instantaneously raise the level of contentment, does that mean that happiness would simply spill out, all over the place, or can you think of a much funnier likeness to achieving instant peaceful bliss, perhaps through laughing, ha, ha, ha...(?)

Thanks for the reference to Rob Munroe of the Humanitarian congregation, and thanks, Maynard, for including all species in your delving-deep logical remark, and here is a suggestion that any vegan-advocate, vegan supporter, admirer of the vegan lifestyle, etc. might be able to set up, if this makes sense, as follows, and your comments of course are most welcome:

Ask a person who is influential in any organized type of spiritual group to come to YOUR circle-of-influence society and talk about veganism and how it influenced him/her from a premise of it being linked to their faith, doctrine, religion, belief-system or ethics... maybe our behaviors including our loves ones actions, can be modified to embrace veganism, based on how we react to this knowledge, by seeing the connection?




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