This section is an acknowledgement of the people who are an active part of the Mission and Purpose of our Foundation, and who wish to be included in this section.
If you would like to be included in this section, please submit a photo and comments about yourself and your activities.
I am a retired salesman that was persuaded by my daughter Nicole to stop eating meat in 1990. (That's Heidi and me in the photo.)
Since that time I have written numerous articles about the importance of animal welfare and specifically the mind boggling benefits that could be realized by the entire world if animal factory farms and slaughterhouses were all closed and animal flesh was removed from the food chain. A number of my articles and my book God Does Not Eat Meat have been published on the all creatures web site. *God Does Not Eat Meat* can be read for free online at:
My personal goal is to continually attempt to persuade leaders throughout the world to stop eating meat. Imagine what would happen if President Barack Obama, Al Gore and Oprah Winfrey announced that they have become vegetarians or vegans.
This is one of my favorite photos and quotation:
"There is no religion without love, and people may talk as much as they
like about their religion, but if it does not teach them to be good and
kind to other animals as well as humans, it is all a sham."
--Anna Sewell
For the sake of animals and humans, especially the children.
Take care.
Arthur Poletti
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