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Our Philosophy

It's simple and straight forward, consisting of the following key components:


Always the highest standard of materials and craftsmanship possible for your budget.
VALUE The assurance that you will receive the most cost-effective building systems and construction methods currently available.


The successful achievement of the results you desire, delivered within your pre-established time frame.


The experience, knowledge and research necessary to provide you with "state of the art" construction.


The fulfillment of our responsibility to represent your best interest, at all times, in a fair and straightforward manner.


The clear and concise presentation of costs, time frame, alternatives and options necessary for knowledgeable management decisions.
PROFESSIONALISM The persistent and diligent evaluation of project requirements, client's needs and objectives to ensure the most effective approach achieving those goals.

Mission Statement: To consistently deliver maximum value and service for our clients' construction dollar, while finding solutions which are best suited to each client's unique situation.

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All profits of F. L. Hoffman Corporation are donated to
The Mary T. and Frank L. Hoffman Family Foundation
Neither Mary nor Frank Hoffman receive any salary from either organization.