The Fellowship of Life
a Christian-based vegetarian group founded in 1973



Desecration at Christmastide

Sir, With what hatred and violence towards the natural world do we celebrate the season of peace and goodwill towards men.

To decorate our homes and churches young trees are rooted up or cut down and evergreens are stripped of their leaves and berries, thereby not only causing destruction to hedges and woods but also depriving wild animals and birds of much-needed food and shelter in the cold winter months.

To gratify our gluttony, farm animals and birds in their millions are slaughtered, not only for their "succulent flesh" but also for those parts of their bodies that form the ingredients for jellies, pies, puddings, cakes, etc.

And, when the feasting is over and we seek recreation and exercise, we go out in our hordes to hunt, shoot or otherwise kill and maim large numbers of wild animals and birds, just for fun.

Christmas is the celebration of the birth of God's only Son, who was sent to redeem the sins of mankind because God so loved the world. That world does not begin and end with the human race. All things were created by God, and the holocaust for which man is responsible at this time of celebration is a blasphemy and a rejection of God's gifts to him.

If Christians are anxious not to appear hypocritical a re-appraisal of how they celebrate Christmas is long overdue, while non-believers who celebrate Christmas may also be guilty of hypocrisy since they do not even acknowledge the reason for it.

There can be very few people who do not want "peace on earth." Perhaps if we gave "peace to earth" for a start, a miracle might still be possible.

(Mrs.) B.E. Hardwick

Church Times, December 19, 1975.

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