A Stop Horseracing Article from All-Creatures.org

Progress… Another Person Sees Horseracing for What it is

FROM Patrck Battuello, HorseracingWrongs.org
September 2023

Horseracing Wrongs

I recently received an email tipping me off to two kills at Prairie Meadows in August. With permission, I am sharing the writer’s correspondence.

“I believe it was August 12 and August 19, Saturdays for sure, because that is the only day I go to Prairie Meadows. In the first incident, the horse crossed the finish line and its back legs started skidding. Its right back leg came up lame. The horse tried to set its leg down and immediately fell over. In the second incident, the horse fell right before the finish and did not get up and jockey was injured. I was looking on the internet for some sort of reporting on the jockey and found nothing. That’s when I saw your site and decided to report what I had seen. I was honestly shocked to see how many incidents happened at Prairie in 2022.

“I feel pretty sick now honestly. I had no idea 2,000 horses were dying each year nationwide. I had no idea horses died at PM in races. I donated $100 to help your cause. I know it’s not much, but if it had not been for your site my eyes would still be shut. I hope more eyes continue to get opened. Best of luck to you and your mission.” – Will S., Iowa

Thank you, Will.

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