Happy 48th Birthday Dolphin Project!
From All-Creatures.org Animal Rights Activism Articles Archive


Ric O'Barry's Dolphin Project
April 2018

After attempting to free a captive dolphin named Charlie Brown, I spent a week in a Bimini jail, paid the $5 fine and shortly thereafter, Dolphin Project was born in 1970.

Ric O'Barry

Ric O'Barry
Bimini then (1970) and now (2018). Ric O’Barry revisits the courthouse where Dolphin Project began. Credit: DolphinProject.com

Your generous support of our global projects and campaigns is the reason real progress is being made. After years of campaigning against dolphin abuse in Indonesia, Wake Bali Dolphin, a tourist attraction in Bali, just closed down. Last month, Dolphin Project returned from our 15th season in Taiji, Japan, ground zero for the captivity industry. Thanks to your social media sharing, our videos have received over 100 million views. Last December, Dolphin Project confiscated two wild-caught dolphins in Karimunjawa, Indonesia, destined for the traveling circuses, with the surviving dolphin successfully released into her home range.

captive dolphins
Wake Bali Dolphin, a dolphin abusement facility in Indonesia closes down. Credit: DolphinProject.com

rescued dolphin
Dolphin destined for Indonesia’s horrific traveling circuses is rescued and released. Credit: DolphinProject.com

As we commemorate our 48th year this Earth Day, we ask that you continue to share our blogs and social media posts, consider supporting Dolphin Project with a recurring donation and encourage others to take the pledge to NOT buy a ticket to a dolphin show.

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