Happy 49th Birthday Dolphin Project!
From All-Creatures.org Animal Rights/Vegan Activist Strategies Articles Archive

FROM Ric O'Barry's Dolphin Project
April 2019

"If I was involved in a cause, I decided I would at least need a bunch of t-shirts. I was asked by the shop owner what kind of logo I wanted. I told him I didn’t know. He asked if it was a project, and if so, what sort of project. I told him it was a Dolphin Project.” ~ Ric O’Barry

Ric O'Barry

That was in 1970 – when the dolphin captivity issue was not an issue to the general public, nor to the animal advocacy organizations active at the time. There was no Facebook or Instagram – and for that matter, no personal computers or even mobile phones! But 49 years later, the essence of what makes Dolphin Project so strong is still the same: a dedicated team of individuals committed to making real and positive change for dolphins.

Ric O'Barry
Dolphins Joe and Rosie, and Ric O’Barry. Credit: DolphinProject.com

Thanks to your generous support, we’ve made great progress since I made it my life’s mission to protect dolphins worldwide from exploitation and slaughter. In Indonesia, Dolphin Project and our partner JAAN successfully renegotiated a five-year Cooperation Agreement with the Indonesian government to maintain Camp Lumba Lumba as the designated rescue and release facility for illegally captured dolphins. Lincoln O’Barry and Dr. Sarah Meltzoff continued their onsite fieldwork in the Solomon Islands, assisting communities in transitioning away from their conventional dolphin hunts. In March, Dolphin Project returned from our 16th season in Taiji, Japan, ground zero for the captivity industry. Our education and outreach team continues to reach new audiences, offering workshops, university lectures, Skype interviews, event booths, and more. Dolphin Project is also working to make the first European dolphin retirement center a reality.

In many ways, our job is easier now than when I started out, armed with only a bunch of t-shirts and my voice. Access to information is virtually unlimited, sharing what we learn has never been simpler and our reach, never greater. That’s why, as we commemorate our 49th year this Earth Day, it’s imperative we keep spreading awareness in our efforts to help end dolphin abuse globally. Please continue to share our blogs, petitions and social media posts, and strike up a dialogue with whomever will listen. If you can, join your fellow activists on May 11 to help end dolphin captivity during the 7th annual Empty the Tanks worldwide event. And remember, each time you donate to Dolphin Project, know that you are aiding the longest running anti-captivity dolphin welfare organization in the world.

Camp Lumba Lumba
Camp Lumba Lumba dolphin rehabilitation and release center, Indonesia. Credit: DolphinProject.com

Wild Dolpins
The only way to see dolphins – wild and free! Photo: wild Risso’s dolphins, Tracie Sugo

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