Karen Davis, PhD, United
Poultry Concerns
June 2018
Since, toward animals, Anthony Bourdain was a serial sadist, how could he be excused and even lauded as a kind of hero if the excusers’ own speciesism were not involved? It wasn’t women in a college dormitory or a family sitting in front of the TV or a girl on a hiking trail he savagely attacked with relish in a clear behavior pattern. It was “just animals.”
How do we process heaping praise on a man who didn’t just eat animals but
tortured and demeaned them for pleasure and publicity? Sentimental gush over
the late Anthony Bourdain (1956-2018) in The Washington Post or The Wall
Street Journal is expected, but gushing admiration by animal advocates? Yes,
a claim has been made by some animal people that this voraciously sadistic
celebrity was just a “flawed” human being on a journey toward “compassion” –
a claim with no evidence – and that his suicide is a tragic loss.
Imagine a similar situation in other social justice movements where, for
example, someone in the Civil Rights Movement or the #MeToo Movement pays
tribute to “poor, flawed” Bull Connor or Harvey Weinstein. How would the
victims of these men feel about that?
It’s one thing to feel sympathy for a fellow human being who is flawed as we
all are; it’s another to publicly mourn over a man whose flaws, from the
point of view of the animals he tortured without even the “justification” of
“necessity,” were on the level of Ted Bundy.
Critiquing our strategies for helping animals is good, but harping on how it
is our fault that most people still eat bacon cheeseburgers and reject
animal rights is not good. The self-disparagement of “vegans” is a strain in
our movement that has undermined it ever since I can recall. Fortunately,
these voices (I hope) are a minority – the pushback against the pro-Anthony
faction has been eloquent and strong.
Still, we must ask: How does it help our movement or animals when members
with a microphone express long-winded sympathy and sorrow over the death of
a man who flaunted himself making animals suffer and die? Who wasn’t just a
media “slut” but a media sadist? Who despised what he called “veggens” and
compared ethical vegans to terrorists? Was the suffering he intentionally
inflicted and encouraged others to enjoy doing worth it if it “brought the
people of the world closer together”? Was it okay as long as it wasn’t
“factory farming”? How is he different from a trophy hunter?
Since, toward animals, Anthony Bourdain was a serial sadist, how could he be
excused and even lauded as a kind of hero if the excusers’ own speciesism
were not involved? It wasn’t women in a college dormitory or a family
sitting in front of the TV or a girl on a hiking trail he savagely attacked
with relish in a clear behavior pattern. It was “just animals.”
I can’t understand animal people praising him and wishing he were still
here. From the point of view of his victims – and from my point of view as
an animal rights activist– he was a monster who could never be missed.
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