We are now facing an emergency we can’t even imagine, with vanishingly little time, and no institutions to rely on. It’s up to ordinary people to tell the truth and take revolutionary action as if our lives depend on it, because they do. Hope dies. Action begins.
Animal agriculture is responsible for 25% of global emissions, and the
brutal deaths of countless animals every day.
Three years ago, I jumped over the barricade at a Bernie Sanders rally to highlight his silence on the government’s genocidal rampage against life on earth. At the time, anybody paying attention already knew that the imminent meltdown of the Earth’s climate promises to completely undermine otherwise wonderful proposals like free college and universal health care by rendering our planet unlivable. Yet Sanders’ campaign was taking massive contributions from an industry that contributes more than 25% of global emissions, on top of brutalizing an unfathomable number of defenseless animals every single moment. Of course, I’m talking about animal agriculture.
What has happened since then?
Last year, the United Nations released its dramatic report arguing that we
have barely a decade to reinvent our entire society to head off a mass
extinction that will probably include us. Last month, over 1,400 activists
in London were arrested for blocking bridges and intersections for weeks
throughout one of the richest cities in the world. Still ongoing, factory
farm whistleblowers in California are facing decades in prison a surreal FBI
pig hunt that culminated in an armed raid on an animal sanctuary. And, of
course, the reason you’re reading this: two days ago, I disrupted another
political leader who has done nothing in the face of what promises to be the
worst atrocity ever carried out, sparking a social media firestorm and
drawing several million views to videos and articles which all fail to even
mention the issue.
I believe these incidents have three things in common. First, they begin to
paint a picture of the terrifying urgency of the crisis we have created for
ourselves by burning fossil fuels and mass producing animals to die. Second,
they demonstrate the profound failure of our political and media
institutions in the face of this crisis. And finally, they help us to
understand what actions are not only justified, but absolutely necessary, in
extreme and unprecedented circumstances.
To put it more simply, if you are buying the notion that the story about my
disruption of Kamala Harris last weekend is primarily about me, you’re
missing the point.
I grew up a few blocks from the U.S. government’s main climate lab, and
every climate scientist I’ve met agrees that the aforementioned IPCC report
and it’s 12 (now 11) year mandate to prevent 2 degree warming is fanciful at
best and delusional at worse. Thanks to the delay between putting greenhouse
gasses in the atmosphere and the warming they cause, we are guaranteed to
exceed the 2 degree threshold with carbon that has already been released.
Instead, we should be looking at the studies predicting global famine and
mass extinction involving trillions of animal deaths in the same time frame,
and the fact that in countries across the global south, that future is
already here, with an imminent human death toll in the millions.
Extinction Rebellion protesters captured the worlds attention and force
long-overdue, if purely symbolic, action by the British government.
Despite all of this, climate catastrophe still seems a remote problem to
most people, difficult to grasp and securely tucked away in the distant
future. Yet our society’s appetite for cheap air travel and animal flesh is
indisputably and irreversibly distorting global weather, submerging farms
and massacring wild animals. Even when climate change is discussed, we
ignore the role of animal agriculture, which directly contributes 25% of
global emissions and is likely responsible for a much higher share of
warming due to massive deforestation of the Amazon by animal feed companies.
Abolishing animal agriculture and transitioning to an animal-free food
system is one of the easier interventions we can make, far simpler than
major reductions in fossil fuels.
Unfortunately, all this demonstrates the complete failure of our political
class to address the most extreme existential crisis our species has ever
faced. Political elites have known about the severity of climate change
since the 1970s, and fully understand that any serious climate plan must
include the eradication of animal agriculture. So has the media. Yet instead
of acting, these elites squandered those precious decades aggressively
cracking down on activists and independent journalists with brutal violence,
aggressive prosecutions, and assassination. And while it’s true that the
mainstream media has finally begun to regularly acknowledge climate change,
it is presented as both mild and inevitable rather than a life-or-death
emergency we must confront right now with the most drastic action possible.
The media’s insistence on making this story about the messenger rather than
the message only further highlights its total failure to keep the public
informed. Every single word written about me was an opportunity to instead
talk about the imminent threat of social collapse, climate warfare, and mass
extinction as we farm our planet to death. (Kudos to The Root for doing
exactly that.) Even the left has shown nothing but fumbling incompetence in
the face of armageddon. Millionaire journalists like Joy Reid at MSNBC are
effectively being paid to ignore the climate crisis, doing everything they
can to make my protest on Saturday a story about privilege, cementing her
network’s legacy as one more institution which stayed silent far beyond any
excusable point. Maybe she’s saving up for a spot in a bunker to ride out
the apocalypse while the rest of us starve.
Black Lives Matter protesters demonstrated the potential of mic-grabbing
actions, compelling Bernie to release a platform on police brutality.
Ironically, this demonstrates exactly why political actions like the one
I took are necessary. Looking at social justice movements throughout
history, we see over and over again that disruption is exactly what is
needed to force powerful parties into dialogue about issues they would
rather ignore. My organization is based in Harris’s home state of
California. In this state alone, billions of animals are raised and brutally
killed every year to be eaten. This flies in the face of our values as a
nation of compassionate animal lovers, and severely exacerbates the climate
crisis. We reached out to her campaign several times seeking dialogue on
this and were repeatedly ignored. This story has the potential to change
that, or would, were it not for the media’s reckless mishandling of it. I’ve
personally taken tremendous inspiration from Marissa Jenae Johnson and Mara
Willaford, the Black Lives Matter protesters who upstaged Bernie at a rally
in 2015; after a strong backlash from Bernie’s supporters, the protest was
the obvious cause of Sanders releasing a comprehensive platform on police
brutality just two weeks later. I’m not saying there isn’t a very
significant difference between two black women taking the stage from a white
man and a male-presenting white person taking the stage from a black woman;
there absolutely is. I’m saying that if that difference is used to silence
us in the face of unfathomable violence, nobody wins, and that any precedent
set against white protesters like myself will immediately be deployed
tenfold against much more vulnerable black protesters.
Across the ideological spectrum, our political ‘leaders’ are unified in
their catastrophic failure to address the most urgent issues of our time. As
long as they continue to ignore mass extinction, we should be interrupting
every one of them, as often as possible, if we want any hope of surviving
this century. Poetically, climate is exactly where the human-animal barrier
can most clearly be seen for the lie that it is: you, me, Kamala, and every
other conscious being on this planet is utterly dependent on the natural
balance we are fighting to protect. We can no longer afford to let any
immediate human concern, no matter how minor, win out over the most
fundamental interests of every other animal, both individual and collective.
Growing up, I was always always taught to trust in the political system. You
may have been too. It can be difficult to accept that that system and all of
its elites have utterly failed. Not only has the legal system failed, but
the opposition groups, NGOs, and movements meant to serve as a check on it
have failed. We are now facing an emergency we can’t even imagine, with
vanishingly little time, and no institutions to rely on. It’s up to ordinary
people to tell the truth and take revolutionary action as if our lives
depend on it, because they do.
Hope dies. Action begins.
Whistleblowers in Sen. Harris’s home state of California are facing
decades in prison merely for investigating animal factories and bringing the
truth about animal abuse and climate catastrophe to the public.
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