Jane Velez-Mitchell,
Jane Unchained
March 2018
March for our lives: vegans join in to say end violence towards humans and animals.
From near and far, young and old, teachers, firefighters, army veterans,
students, families, and everyone you can imagine, including vegans (!) -
came out to the national #MarchforOurLives! Portland, Oregon vegans join in
to say 'End violence towards humans and animals!" This is what democracy
looks like. Dani Rukin reporting for #JaneUnChained
Coming at you from Portland - what a turnout!! The March against Violence
draws thousands, including vegans - freedom and liberation for ALL! Vegans
Against Violence at PDX! #MarchForOurLives #JaneUnChained
Could today's 'March For Our Lives' be a call to action to all Americans to
step up and be a voice for what they believe is right? To say 'enough is
enough' to all violence? This could be a precursor to what it will look like
when the younger generation learns the truth about animal agriculture and
the rampant exploitation of animals.
Today's kids are tomorrow's voice for the animals! Silent no more was the message today and Vegans Against Violence at Portland/PDX March For Our Lives were there to show their support!
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