$13,200 Fine in Dolphin Deaths Paid by University of Hawaii
An Animal Rights Article from All-Creatures.org


Stop Animal Exploitation Now (SAEN)
September 2009

“These fines are virtually meaningless,” said Michael A. Budkie, A.H.T., Executive Director SAEN. “The death of the dolphins probably had more financial significance.”

Recently obtained federal documents reveal that the University of Hawaii has paid a $13,200 penalty to the Animal Care Division of the USDA for substantial violations of the Animal Welfare Act that led to the deaths of 3 dolphins. UH researcher Louis Herman has also been assessed a penalty of $7,563.

“These fines are virtually meaningless,” said Michael A. Budkie, A.H.T., Executive Director SAEN. “The death of the dolphins probably had more financial significance.”

SAEN has contacted the National Science Foundation (NSF), the funding agency for the research in question, and requested a permanent ban on the funding of dolphin research at the University of Hawaii and/or to Louis Herman.

SAEN has also filed a request for a NSF investigation through the Office of the Inspector General to seek the refunding of over $300,000 in grants to the NSF. NSF policy requires that all grantees follow the Animal Welfare Act.

SAEN has also launched an independent investigation of University of Hawaii use of all marine mammals as well as non-human primates.

The USDA penalty documents and all correspondence are available upon request from SAEN.

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