Their Turn
September 2014
Chipotle is trying to market killing as humane...But there is no escaping the reality that slitting an animal’s throat is violent.
This dead pig was dragged from his or her crowded prison cell and dumped in
the aisle. We have learned that the primary causes of premature death are:
over-crowded conditions that promote the spread of disease and ammonia
fumes, from urine and feces, that injure the pigs' lungs.
Image from VIVA! USA
On September 2nd, the animal rights group Direct Action Everywhere (DxE) occupied a NYC Chipotle during lunch hour and played the sound of squealing animals to capture the attention of patrons.
Since October, 2013, DxE has conducted “It’s Not Food. It’s Violence” protests in 50 cities and 16 countries. The organization has targeted Chipotle because its marketing campaign deceptively suggests that its animals are humanely raised and slaughtered, making people feel good about eating abused animals when they might have otherwise abstained.
“The company is trying to market killing as humane,” said a DxE spokesperson, “But there is no escaping the reality that slitting an animal’s throat is violent.”
See Direction Action Everywhere Action Video Archives here!
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