Persons - Fall 2016 Newsletter
An Animal Rights Article from


Responsible Policies for Animals, Inc. (RPA)
June 2016

Read Persons, Fall 2016 Newsletter (PDF)


I am attaching the fall 2016 issue of Persons: The Newsletter of Responsible Policies for Animals for all who receive the newsletter by email only. Key points of this issue:

It is clearer than ever before that consumerist methods are not improving the plight of nonhuman animals and never can.  They are conscientious objection, not political activism; they do not and cannot affect animal-abuse policy.

With a pending new administration inclined toward fascism – an alliance among government, big business, and military, with racist, anti-Semitic, and xenophobic tactics – the backlash against animal, environmental, and public health and safety advocacy begun with Reagan and intensified under George W. Bush requires that animal advocates rededicate themselves to striking at root causes of animal abuse. Only doing so can begin to make progress toward needed policy change; snipping at twigs will continue the wheel-spinning we have seen for decades.

As indicated in Persons, always feel welcome to try your hand at RPA’s 10,000 Years Is Enough campaign, Elephant in the Newsroom campaign, and Campaign K-12 – I am glad to show you how.  You can also help create needed change by donating to RPA, distributing RPA brochures and telling others about RPA, and by signing up at to donate $0.01 to RPA for each of your online searches.
I wish you a happy Solstice and New Year, and happy reading! 

All best wishes,
David Cantor
Executive Director
Responsible Policies for Animals

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