Persons - Spring 2013 Newsletter
An Animal Rights Article from


Responsible Policies for Animals (RPA)
April 2013

Read feedback from readers.

Persons Newsletter David Cantor

Responsible Policies for Animals begins its second decade! – thanks to its many generous members! – by renaming its newsletter in accordance with rights theory!

Persons, formerly Thin Ice, shows us precisely how to promote guaranteed equal rights of all animals, the fundamental change necessary for all animals, including human beings, to lead a fulfilling life.

RPA works to establish basic rights of all animals because without rights there is no justice and without justice no fulfillment, just ever more suffering, death, and extinction.

RPA promotes rights the way they originally came to exist. RPA's campaigns, websites, literature, lectures, interviews, exhibits, articles, and letters address pervasive injustice against nonhuman animals, showing how it harms human beings and how to end it.

Feedback from readers:

Renamed Persons because all animals are biological persons, and given a great new look by a talented designer, Responsible Policies for Animals’ latest newsletter has received great reviews!A few excerpts:

“So very appreciative of the most recent RPA newsletter, Persons. Having been engaged over the years in the work of justice, rights, laws, respect, dignity, and well-being for human persons, I am really connecting with, and at the same time learning about … nonhuman-animal persons.”

“I would like to share Persons with some friends online.”

“This is major.”

“Your latest newsletter, renamed Persons, which I think is right on target, arrived a couple of days ago, and I just finished re-reading it. … I'd like to send it to some other people that I believe will be interested ….”

“If, in human or women's rights, we have never been foolish enough to rely on compassion to right the wrongs, and we have seen the necessity of establishing rights as the predicate for mandatory kind treatment, how the HELL have we missed doing this for [nonhuman] animals???? What a huge blind spot ….”

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