Danny Moss, Their Turn
August 2014
“We are quick to demonize people in other cultures for boiling puppies and kittens alive, yet in our society, people think nothing of dropping a sentient creature of another species into a pot of boiling water.”
Many of us are so focused on the unthinkable end of a lobster’s life –
being boiled alive – that we forget that the journey that he or she takes to
the pot is just as bad. After being caught in traps and dragged out of their
homes onto boats, lobsters are transferred into restaurant or grocery store
tanks where they suffer from hunger, low oxygen level, stress, confinement
and overcrowding.
In a summer promotion, food delivery giant Fresh Direct is selling live lobsters.
Please contact Fresh Direct by phone or email to encourage them to stop prolonging the misery of lobsters by transporting them alive in delivery trucks.
When TheirTurn subscriber and Brooklyn resident Rina Deych brought the cruelty of live lobster delivery to our attention, she added that the end of their lives is awful too — when they thrash around and attempt to escape the pot after we drop them into boiling water: “We are quick to demonize people in other cultures for boiling puppies and kittens alive, yet in our society, people think nothing of dropping a sentient creature of another species into a pot of boiling water.”
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