An Amazing Education Program that Will Inspire You
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Vegan lifestyle articles that discuss ways of living in peace with humans, animals, and the environment.


In Defense of Animals (IDA)
March 2016

Ethical Choices presenters are available now in California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Michigan, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Washington, Texas, and Canada (Edmonton).

“Today’s youth are tomorrow’s decision-makers who will shape the world in very profound ways.”- Lorena Mucke, President and Founder of the Ethical Choices Program.

ethical choices

It is with great excitement that we announce In Defense of Animals’ new sponsor partnership with the Ethical Choices Program! This powerful education program educates thousands of high school and college students in the U.S. and Canada on issues related to animal agriculture and its impact on our health, the environment and farmed animals.

The program has grown exponentially in the last few months, and plans to reach most metropolitan areas in the next few years. The Ethical Choices Program currently offers four engaging and interactive presentations on:

- The Environment and Modern Agriculture (45 min or 90 min in length)

- Healthful Eating (45 min or 90 min in length)

- Factory Farming (45 min or 90 min in length)

- The Ethics of Eating (90 min in length)

Age-appropriate videos, activities, and open-ended questions challenge students to identify widespread assumptions about land, water, energy, and animal use, and to consider whether these assumptions are valid.

In Defense of Animals is honored to help increase the reach of this great program which helps empower students to make mindful choices which are needed to make our communities more compassionate, more sustainable, and healthier.

“You really opened my eyes to the fact that factory farming is an issue today that most wouldn’t even take a second look at… I really appreciate how your presentation was factual and non-judgmental.” – Tiffany, 9th Grade Student

“I really enjoyed the program. It was very informative. You made me want to look at my own life and change the way I eat. I feel as if I am equipped to make informed decisions about where to get my food from…” – Whittney M. Peckham, Food and Consumer Science Teacher

Ethical Choices presenters are available now in California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Michigan, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Washington, Texas, and Canada (Edmonton).

If you live in one of these areas and you’d like to book a presentation at your school, reach out to your local Ethical Choices representative today CLICK HERE.

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