Video LibraryJames Aspey-This Speech Is Your WAKE UP CALL!
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James Aspey-This Speech Is Your WAKE UP CALL!

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(41:35) "You were lied to, so was I.

You probably love animals or at the very least, you're against animal cruelty. Yet, on the other hand, you probably pay to have animals mutilated, tortured and killed. You probably think you need meat for protein and cow's milk for calcium. You probably think animals are treated "humanely" before they become a neatly wrapped package on the supermarket shelf. You've probably never wondered what is cruel about eating eggs or dairy. You probably think vegans are extreme.

I was the same.

I want to talk to you about what we are doing to this planet, ourselves and our fellow Earthlings. I want to ask you some questions that might make you feel defensive but will also make you question things you've always considered to be 'normal'. I want to ask you to listen to this speech and hear a new perspective. Perhaps it will change your life, perhaps it won't, but I believe you deserve to know the truth. I know I'm very grateful to have learned it and now I want to share it with you. I think you'll be grateful, too."
-James Aspey

James Aspey is Australian, vegan, and an animal rights activist. In 2014, James took a 365 day vow of silence to raise awareness for animals and promote peace over violence. In this speech he explains the importance of being vegan and how to communicate the vegan message in an effective way.

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