Are We Being Lied To?
From Animal Rights/Vegan Activist Strategies Articles Archive

FROM JoAnn Farb
July 2019

While veganism is fundamentally a justice movement that rejects exploitation of other beings, animal advocates can run the gamut from fully embracing veganism to only working for welfare reform, and there is no shortage of voices within the animal advocacy movement that are promoting lab-grown meat.

One of the things that I did this year at Summerfest (a few weeks ago in Johnstown Pa) was to moderate a panel discussion on the topic of Lab-Grown Meat. The video from that panel discussion has now been posted HERE on YouTube. Some people have criticized this panel as being, "one-sided." And it's true, this panel included only the perspective of those who believe it is wrong to exploit animals at all and that vegans should not be promoting or endorsing any forms of violence or exploitation of other creatures on the grounds that it may be, "less terrible" than what is currently being done to them.

People who identify as, "animal advocates" include both vegans and non-vegans. While veganism is fundamentally a justice movement that rejects exploitation of other beings, animal advocates can run the gamut from fully embracing veganism to only working for welfare reform, and there is no shortage of voices within the animal advocacy movement that are promoting lab-grown meat.

Organizations like HSUS, MFA and PETA with big budgets have helped make it that the only perspective most advocates have even heard about lab meat is the one that aligns with market growth: Investors are betting that lab-meat will allow for continued growth of animal protein, once we run out of space to grow more meat the traditional way - on farms.

That 's why this panel was only, "one side." But if you want to hear the justifications of those promoting lab-meat (and to better understand how grass-roots activism can be co-opted) then I'd recommend you also take a look at the much longer, 2-sided debate that was part of the Conscious Eating Conference back in March in Berkeley, CA.

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