Casa de Carne is a thought-provoking short film about hard choices and hidden truths about our food...
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LCA is thrilled to announce our latest PSA, Casa de Carne, won Best Short
Film at the 2019 Ottawa International Vegan Film Festival (OIVFF)!
The OIVFF hosted its inaugural festival on October 14, 2018 with a mission
of "celebrating the vegan ideal: a healthier, compassionate, environmentally
friendly lifestyle that can be achieved through the consumption of plants
and animal-free alternatives."
Casa de Carne, which was written and directed by Dustin Brown, is a
thought-provoking short film about hard choices and hidden truths. The film
follows three friends to a high-end restaurant (that takes the dining
experience full circle) where the trio must slaughter the animals they order
for dinner.
Casa de Carne previously won the first place Tarshis Award at the 2019
Animal Film Festival—where it premiered—and took home six Telly Awards in
the Gold, Silver, and Bronze categories. The film also went viral and, to
date, has received more than six million views on social media.
"Now more than ever, we need stories that expand our circle of empathy and
allow us to see the world through a more compassionate lens," said Dustin
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