Trillions of animals' ives are depending on this, and the desperate urgency of their plight is being added to each day by the collapsing ecosystems for which our predation is directly responsible. We are running out of time. Tell the truth!
Image by Aitor
Garmendia / Tras los Muros
For a moment, please imagine if you will, that this page were to
highlight something horrific being done to humans, something such as
torture, sexual violation, or forced labour. Imagine an article describing
men, women and children, families and friends torn apart, desperate,
degraded, and broken, as they beg and plead for the torment to stop, to be
left in peace. What do you think the take-home message would be?
‘This needs to stop and it needs to stop now.’
I’m sure that’s simply what any decent person would expect. Here’s another
question to consider. Do you think that a day will ever dawn when all humans
will have stopped inflicting sickening brutalities on those whom they decide
to oppress? For myself, I doubt it. So since brutality may never stop
completely, does that have any effect on the message that it needs to stop
and stop now? No, of course it doesn’t. Well so far, so good; I trust
there’s nothing controversial up to this point?
Spreading messages via social media
So picture this; a social media post that summarises these points and
attracts ‘likes’, ‘loves’, ‘sad faces’ and ‘angry faces’. Again, what you’d
expect. It is also shared a number of times which is excellent – that’s how
messages spread and how we provoke thought in our friends and
contemporaries. We often add a message of our own when we do this, don’t we?
So what do you think we should say in this case? How about:
You may be thinking by now that this is some kind of sick humour, and I
truly wouldn’t blame you. Such comments are so offensive that they make me
queasy. Please hold that thought while we shift back to our victims.
Animal rights and human rights
The main focus of this page has always been and will always be, Animal
Rights. This means that instead of horrors inflicted on humans, it
highlights the disgraceful practices that are inflicted on our victims, the
myriad activities that constitute our unnecessary exploitation of their
lives, their reproduction, their forced labour, and the parts of their
violently slaughtered and dismembered corpses. The take-home message on
every single post and blog, is always the same; always absolutely
‘This needs to stop and it needs to stop now.’
It’s encouraging that these articles are liked and shared, and I often see
the sharer add a message of their own – which as I said before, can be
brilliant to emphasise the point.
Why is it then, that on the back of a completely uncompromising explanation
of why we have no right whatsoever to create victims, do I so often see
things like:
When challenged, the response is frequently that the writer of such a
message considers that animal use is too entrenched to ever stop, hence
their remark.
If it’s good enough for humans, it’s good enough for everyone
However. If the wildly offensive messages about human exploitation were not
justified by the fact that our species is always likely to cause harm to
each other, why on earth would the equivalent in offensive messages be
justified when applied to our defenceless victims? The short answer? It’s
not. Wrong is wrong, whichever way we slice it. To post an offensive message
about other animals when we would be deeply offended by the equivalent if it
were applied to humans, is a perfect illustration of our speciesism talking.
Our victims have no one but us to tell the truth about the grave injustice
of the ordeal to which we routinely subject them. We owe that truth to them
as they queue in the milking parlours and hatcheries and slaughterhouses;
and we owe that truth to every single member of our own species. Those who
are unable or unwilling to face that truth must live with their own
conscience, but we cannot afford to dilute it.
Trillions of lives are depending on this, and the desperate urgency of their
plight is being added to each day by the collapsing ecosystems for which our
predation is directly responsible. We are running out of time. Tell the
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