GREY2K advocates have ushered in the closure of 43 American tracks. There are 115 commercial racetracks across the globe.
Since 2001, GREY2K advocates have ushered in the closure of 43 American tracks and worked with international allies to #CloseTheCanidrome in China. By hosting rallies, signing petitions, writing letters, sending e-mails and making phone calls, our dedicated team has also prohibited racing in the US Territory of Guam and prevented the expansion of greyhound cruelty to countries such as South Africa, Jamaica and the Philippines. But we cannot rest! The time has come to come together to prohibit dog racing across America now and then laser focus our efforts on the global fight to save greyhounds.
Our worldwide efforts to end dog racing started in a one-room basement
office in historic Massachusetts. Here's Christine working at her desk and
Carey with Zoe during the successful campaign to pass Question 3 of 2008,
which shut down Raynham and Wonderland Greyhound Parks.
This fight is only beginning so we hope that you will also consider becoming a monthly donor to ensure that GREY2K’s campaign continues until the beautiful day that dog racing ends everywhere. Can you see it? We can!
There are 115 commercial racetracks across the globe, with tens of thousands of greyhounds waiting for their chance at freedom. Won’t you please help? Do to our website to donate. Thank you!
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