Cockfighters Attack SHARK Investigators, Sending Them to the Hospital with Severe Injuries
From Animal Rights/Vegan Activist Strategies Articles Archive

January 2021

Please call or write today to report suspected cockfighting operations. You can remain anonymous. [email protected] or 630/385-0244.

cockfighting operation
Undercover investigators with the animal rights group SHARK identified an illegal cockfighting operation in Ohio

On Sunday morning, January 3rd, two investigators from the animal rights group SHARK (Showing Animals Respect and Kindness) investigated a suspected illegal cockfighting operation in rural Lawrence County, OH. They were quickly able to confirm that the location was an active cockfighting pit.

In recent years, SHARK has used drones to film cockfights and farmers who are suspected of breeding roosters for cockfights. In 2019, the group announced a nationwide campaign called Crush Cockfighting to increase exposure of the bloodsport and to draw attention to the law enforcement officials who enable the illegal events....


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