Intersectional Animal Advocacy: An Interview with pattrice jones
From Animal Rights/Vegan Activist Strategies Articles Archive

FROM Dylan Forest,
September 2020

Too many activists and organizations try to promote veganism or advocate for animal rights as if they were doing so in a vacuum from which powerful social forces like sexism, racism, and economic inequality are absent. That’s bound to fail, because we always must take context into account.

pattrice and Luna
pattrice jones with Luna, a resident at VINE Sanctuary. This image and all images in this story via pattrice jones.

pattrice jones is an influential and accomplished activist, writer, and educator who has been involved in activism since the 1970s. She co-founded VINE Sanctuary with her partner and has authored two books (The Oxen at the Intersection and Aftershock: Confronting Trauma in a Violent World) and numerous essays, taught college and university courses, and spoken at many conferences and events. jones’ work is grounded in ecofeminism, and she excels at making visible the connections between various forms of oppression, especially speciesism and anti-LGBTQ bias.

It was a pleasure to have the opportunity recently to interview pattrice and hear her thoughts on a variety of topics. We discussed the importance of grounding one’s activism in real relationships with animals, the relationship between feminism and animal liberation, VINE Sanctuary’s rooster rehabilitation program, and her advice for animal advocates who find their compassion for humans waning....


Maddow Steer
Maddox, a resident at VINE Sanctuary

Valkerie Domino
Valkerie the pig and her best friend Domino the alpaca

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