It's One of those Nights...
From Animal Rights/Vegan Activist Strategies Articles Archive

FROM Bryan Monell
August 2019

Thank you to everyone who comes out at all hours of the day and night to do what is right. You are inspirational. You give hope to what appears to a hopeless world at times.

Bryan Monell
Bryan Monell, Pig Save action, Los Angeles

It's one of those nights where the images of countless innocent animals who I've witnessed go to their deaths along with their cries and screams are flooding and echoing throughout my conciseness making it impossible to sleep or get any rest.

Then come the memories of others like elephants being electrocuted and beaten bats behind closed doors, ponies being beaten to pull a load of cinder blocks for fun, wild horses rounded up and literally chased to death by helicopters in the Nevada mountains etc that one tires to keep buried in ones mind most of the time In order to maintain ones sanity.

Feeling blessed to know so many great people who stand up for the injustices of the world. Thank you to everyone who does something to help end the abuse of others no matter or much or how little.

Thank you for at least trying. At times we've protested and saved a few animals at the last minute before they were to be slaughtered. It's not nearly enough but it's everything to them.

Thank you to everyone who comes out at all hours of the day and night to do what is right. You are inspirational. You give hope to what appears to a hopeless world at times.

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