Rescued! A Board Game of Knowledge, Strategy and Chance about Rescued Animals
From Animal Rights/Vegan Activist Strategies Articles Archive

FROM Isabelle Cnudde,
September 2020

Rescued! features dozens of stories of individual animals rescued by animal sanctuaries, shelters, and rescue organizations, with beautifully crafted paintings on each card.

Rescued Game

Rescued! is a game of knowledge, strategy, and chance.

Learn far-out facts about the cats, chickens, cows, dogs, and pigs who live alongside us, and use your knowledge to win the game and give them a happy home!

​Rescued! features dozens of stories of individual animals rescued by animal sanctuaries, shelters, and rescue organizations, with beautifully crafted paintings on each card.

All proceeds go toward animal rescue nonprofits.



If you love animals, you'll love the new card game, Rescued! created in cooperation with real animal rescuers at shelters and sanctuaries across the country! Learn more about dogs, cats, pigs, cows, and chickens, in this fun, interactive trivia game where you race to "rescue" animals through correct responses.
~ Danielle Hanosh, co-founder, Blackberry Creek Farm Animal Sanctuary

Rescued! is designed to cultivate compassion by inviting us to open our minds and hearts to the animals we share the planet with. I enjoyed learning so many details about the animals. The stories of real rescue animals, each so lovingly illustrated, moved me deeply.
​~ Mary Rubin, co-founder, The Dancing Cat

Before founding one of the largest farmed animal sanctuaries, I taught special needs children in northern California. My kids would have loved Rescued! The game is thought-provoking, fun, and great for all ages. It imparts knowledge and inspires empathy from a place of positivity.
~ Kim Sturla, executive director and co-founder, Animal Place 

Rescued is a super-fun game to play with the family. The rules are simple, the animal trivia is insightful (even for adults!), and the stories of some of the real animal characters are really touching. One of very few games where our kids did not want to "win", but just last longer!
~ Gayathri and Rommel Dongre, parents of 2 kids 

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