Strategies that Worked to End the Montreal Horse Carriage Industry
From Animal Rights/Vegan Activist Strategies Articles Archive

FROM Coalition to Ban Horse-Drawn Carriages
January 2020

Montreal's horse-drawn carriage industry rides off into history on January 1, 2020.

dead carriage Horse
Montreal, November 2018. NO MORE AS OF JANUARY 1. 2020

Many thanks go to the activists who spearheaded this campaign consistently beginning about ten years ago and stuck to it - never giving up; never asking for more regulations.

Montreal's horse-drawn carriage industry rides off into history, but not quietly.

Special thanks go to Canadian activists Mirella Colalillo and Anne Streeter for making this happen.

This is from Mirella/Anti-Caleche Defense Coalition:

"In 2010 I was a newcomer to Montreal and disappointed to see the horse-drawn carriages in the streets of the city. I sent emails to various people and organisations to do something about them, but received no reply except from Elizabeth Forel in NYC who helped me to start out and connected me to Anne Streeter and Jean LeMarquand, the activists of Ant-Caleche Action who pushed the city to implement changes to the carriage by-laws in the 90s.

So I started a blog to raise awareness and thanks to much perseverance, to the power of the internet and a great community, the carriages will be banned on December 31st, 2019.

My advice to activists in other cities is to learn the by-laws, document the abuse and infractions, and to connect with the city councillors. The online tools we have available nowadays are powerful and we are extremely lucky to have them. Please learn to use them like a wizard, because they can do magic. Always stay positive and keep going. It takes time but the truth prevails.''


Let's hope this is the year that this shut-down happens in other cities.

A ban will never happen for the carriage horses if you sell your soul for a quick win. Real activists do not give up. Real activists also read and learn about horses and their needs. Real activists also read and learn about legislation. They do not rely on some questionable organizations to tell them what to do.

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