Toward a Pandemic-Free World: It Starts On Our Plates
From Animal Rights/Vegan Activist Strategies Articles Archive

August 2020

Called Toward a Pandemic-Free World, our multifaceted campaign will educate everyone about the connection between the COVID-19 pandemic and consumption of animals, inspiring people to transition to plant-based diets as a means of reducing the likelihood of another, even worse pandemic.

pandemic-free world

Today we are excited to announce what is without a doubt the most important campaign in the 45-year history of Jewish Veg.

Called Toward a Pandemic-Free World, our multifaceted campaign will educate everyone about the connection between the COVID-19 pandemic and consumption of animals, inspiring people to transition to plant-based diets as a means of reducing the likelihood of another, even worse pandemic.

Almost all of the major epidemics of the past 30 years have been zoonotic in origin, meaning they resulted from human mistreatment of animals. These diseases were and are completely preventable via our collective food choices. Yet most people are not connecting the dots.

That's why this campaign — which you can see at — provides information about the imminent threat that another pandemic will emerge from the confinement and slaughter of animals.

As part of this initiative, we are encouraging everyone to join Plant Pathways, a new Jewish Veg program that gives people free resources and communal support as they transition to vegan lifestyles.

Please visit and share Toward a Pandemic-Free World.

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