Veganism, however, is the most comprehensive way to resist the violence associated with the subjugation and oppression of nonwhite groups. It has an impact on environmental racism, it reduces our use of resources, it helps people who are living in poverty, it rejects the violence that happens in slaughterhouses, it helps people across the planet.
[Originally published on with this note: This article has been edited after repeated threats to the subject’s personal safety.]
In a packed auditorium on Thursday evening, Christopher-Sebastian, an
adjunct lecturer at Columbia University, presented a talked that
alternatingly sent waves of tears and laughter throughout the audience as he
discussed intersectional discrimination between class, race and species.
The event, which was organized by the Cornell Students for Animal Rights,
provided an “abridged version” of Christopher-Sebastian’s class at Columbia
on how anti-black racism and class discrimination are related to animal
The Columbia lecturer noted early that “the mainstream vegan movement
usually focuses almost exclusively on the consumption of animals’ bodies.”
“I want to talk about the psychology that goes into why we do this, the way
that we do this and the ways that animal violence and exploitation manifests
itself outside of our food system,” he said.
Christopher-Sebastian addressed how mainstream media, institutions, mindsets
and lexicon contribute to the oppression of nonwhite or vulnerable persons
and species.
“What we do to other animals informs how we treat one another on this
planet, and it is always — always — someone who doesn’t have institutional
power, and they’re usually brown,” Christopher-Sebastian said.
Christopher-Sebastian described in detail how the dehumanization of nonwhite
persons has become a justification for their discrimination. To drive home
his point, he displayed an article about a black man whose murder had been
justified by police officers because he was an “animal,” along with various
historical examples to demonstrate the significance of black people being
denied self-determination.
Humanity itself, Christopher-Sebastian argued, is a societal construction.
Prior to the sixteenth century, he said, “we didn’t actually think of human
as superior to or separate from everyone else in the animal kingdom. But the
adoption of ‘human’ has become kind of a by-word for whiteness because in
order to be fully human … one should be white.”
“Where does that leave people who look like me? Where does that leave people
who look like some of you in the audience?” Christopher-Sebastian
“As not human, as animals,” was his response.
According to Christopher-Sebastian, by relegating black people and animals
to a political identity, white powers have been able to steal their bodily
autonomy and effectively colonize and exploit both groups.
However, Christopher-Sebastian was quick to note that “the commonality of
[black people and animal] oppression under the scope of white supremacy …
does not mean it is making a comparison; it is the fact that whiteness has
analyzed us and decided that we are not worthy of our individual selves and
our individual bodily autonomy and that we get to be objectified and used.
Both of us, black people and animals.”
Spikes under highways to deter homeless people, and the self-congratulatory
nature of sustainable and ethical hunting are among examples of the bodily
autonomy of marginalized communities, humans and animals alike, being
violated, often violently, for the sake of serving white, capitalist
interests, according to Christopher-Sebastian.
Veganism, however, is the most comprehensive way to resist the violence
associated with the subjugation and oppression of nonwhite groups,
Christopher-Sebastian said.
“It has an impact on environmental racism, it reduces our use of resources,
it helps people who are living in poverty, it rejects the violence that
happens in slaughterhouses, it helps people across the planet,” he said.
“[Veganism is] what we can do, and is something that is so much more
powerful than all the other things that we can do combined. And we don’t
have to wait do it, you can do it right now, because your liberation is
wrapped up with every other being on this planet we have to love and
defend,” he told the audience.
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