The question of a nonhuman animal’s legal personhood and rights is a deep dilemma of ethics and policy that demands our attention.
The Nonhuman Rights Project is disappointed that today’s ruling from the
Connecticut Appellate Court appears to repeat the legal errors it made in
our first bid to free the elephants imprisoned and exploited by the
Commerford Zoo, with Minnie now the traveling circus’s sole surviving
elephant following the deaths of both Beulah and Karen this past year.
The court’s continued assertion that in Connecticut a third party, such as
the Nonhuman Rights Project, cannot bring a habeas corpus case that demands
that an autonomous being who has long been considered to be a rightless
legal thing should now be considered a legal person—able to have her right
to bodily liberty asserted by that third party—not only contradicts almost
two centuries of Connecticut law, but also the law of every English-speaking
jurisdiction in the world.
As we consider how best to continue our fight for Minnie’s release to The
Performing Animal Welfare Society sanctuary or The Elephant Sanctuary in
Tennessee—where she’ll be able to roam freely in an appropriate climate,
with the opportunity to form bonds with other elephants and no bullhook in
sight—we emphasize that our litigation isn’t just about the legally
invisible suffering of nonhuman animals who want and need to live freely
just as we do. It’s also about whether we value liberty enough to extend it
past the arbitrary boundaries of our own species.
In New York, courts are beginning to recognize, in the words of Bronx
Supreme Court Judge Alison Y. Tuitt, that an elephant is “an intelligent,
autonomous being who should be treated with respect and dignity, and who may
be entitled to liberty” and, in the words of New York Court of Appeals Judge
Eugene Fahey, that the question of a nonhuman animal’s legal personhood and
rights is “a deep dilemma of ethics and policy that demands our attention.”
When will the courts of Connecticut do the same?
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