God Listens to Your Care
From All Creatures Book and Video Review Guide

Author: Carol J. Adams

Reviewed by Mary and Frank Hoffman



The Pilgrim Press
700 Prospect Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44115-1100

Copyright © Carol J. Adams
ISBN 0-8298-1666-6
Paperback 48 pages
$8.00 USA $10.00
CAN See: God Listens Series - Special Offer


This wonderful book of 31 prayers of love and compassion for animals, written from a child’s viewpoint, fills a real ministerial need.  We have been well aware of the need to relate to the sensitivity of children during our many years when Frank was pastor in a church and the years that we've been involved in our Internet ministry.

Every pastor, counselor, and parent should have copies of God Listens to Your Care on hand for children (and adults, too) who care about animals and need to express those feelings and questions that arise where animals are involved. This little book enables one to express to God the joy, the sadness, the questions – all the emotions that well up inside when we care and think about the many different animals sharing our world. There is real comfort in these prayers, for times when animals suffer or die, or for their well being.

For far too long the Church has neglected deep emotional feelings that many people have for animals, and instead of giving true Godly comfort, have brushed aside these feelings as being trivial.  By doing so, we harden the hearts of these adults and children - many for life. This is unacceptable!  God Listens to Your Care addresses the need that has all too often been ignored or laughed at.

From the Book:

God Listens to Your Care is the third book in the God Listens series, a one-of-a-kind series of prayers for children (and adults too!) who love animals.

Written from a child’s viewpoint, God Listens to Your Care contains 31 prayers that respond to the love and care that naturally exist between children and animals.

Through these prayers, children and others will have the opportunity to deepen their relationship not only with their animal friend but with God.

About the Author:

Carol J. Adams is the author of over 16 books including God Listens When You’re Sad: Prayers When your Animal Friend Is Sick or Dies (The Pilgrim Press, 2005), God Listens to Your Love: Prayers for Living with Animal Friends, (The Pilgrim Press, 2005) and Prayers for Animals (2004). She lives in Dallas, Texas.

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