Book ReviewsSuperheroes and Critical Animal Studies: The Heroic Beasts of Total Liberation Edited by J.L. Schatz and Sean Parson
From Book, CD and Video Review Guide

The intent of this book and video review guide is to help us to live according to Kingdom standards which bring Heaven to earth.

Editors: J.L. Schatz and Sean Parson 


Lexington Books
ISBN: 978 1-4985-4926-4 Hardback
ISBN: 978 1-4985-4927-1 eBook

Editorial Review:

What Superheroes and Critical Animal Studies: The Heroic Beasts of Total Liberation does for superhero studies and critical animal studies is absolutely monumental. The book brilliantly brings the untapped world of nonhumans in comics to the forefront of our cultural imaginations. There is no doubt that such a strategy will inspire droves of new scholars and activists to join in our quest for total liberation. (Amber E. George, Institute for Critical Animal Studies)

In this uncanny collection, Schatz and Parson assemble a team of political scientists, literary theorists, and gender scholars in order to take on the villainy of speciesism. By powering up with the modern mythology of superheroes, this incredible volume gives a properly heroic and epic dimension to the fight for truth, justice, and the liberation of all sentient beings. The chapters here manage to deftly weave together pop culture with theoretical fluency in ways that are sure to set your scholar sense tingling. So face front, true believers! It’s time to read and engage with this timely work. (James Stanescu, Mercer University)

This collection brings together many areas of analysis, from critical animal studies to critical race studies to queer theory, all wrapped up in colorful spandex and a cape. It is a chance to indulge in your deepest geekery whilst learning how this intersects with animal liberation amongst many other issues. Whether you love comics, or not, this collection will challenge you to don a lycra onesie and unleash your inner superheroine, for total liberation. (Jessica Ison, La Trobe University)

About the Editors:

J. L. Schatz is lecturer and director of the Speech and Debate Team at Binghamton University.

Sean Parson is assistant professor in the department of Politics and International Affairs and the MA program in sustainable communities at Northern Arizona University.

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