Vegan Revolution: Saving Our World, Revitalizing Judaism
From Book, CD and Video Review Guide
Author: Richard H. Schwartz, PhD
Many reviews
Revolution: Saving Our World, Revitalizing Judaism
By Richard H. Schwartz
Available at
Lantern Books
ISBN: 978-1-59056-627-5 (paperback)
ISBN: 978-1-59056-628-2 (ebook)
Free downloadable PDF
Dan Brook
Vegan Revolution is another masterpiece by Richard Schwartz, President
Emeritus of Jewish Veg and the leading authority of Jewish veg.
Martin Rowe
I'm the publisher of this book and thought I'd a few words on why I decided
to publish it. What is there to say about Richard Schwartz? Now in his
late-eighties, Richard remains an indefatigable promoter of veganism and
Judaism, and their confluence in vegan Judaism and Jewish veganism. He is
the best kind of zealot—ready to provide you chapter and verse of whatever
sacred scripture (in veganism or Judaism) that you may care to question or
from which he can draw in support of his central thesis. That thesis—which
is that Jewish mandates particularly point to a vegan diet and that veganism
offers the best pathway to saving the planet AND expressing full Judaism—has
been his central focus for forty years (give or take). What's more, as this volume expresses very clearly, the twin focus has
been sharpened by the clear and present dangers posed by the climate
emergency, and the burgeoning interest in (and adoption of) veganism in
Israel. Now, Richard can come across as relentless, it's true; not a week it
seems goes by that a letter or article doesn't appear in THE JERUSALEM POST
or HAARETZ arguing point by point on why veganism is the only logical
pathway for Judaism, and how Judaism has a sacred obligation and opportunity
to heal the world. But I'm not going to begrudge him unsettling a few
complacent omnivores, fundamentalists, and everyone in between. His is a
prophetic righteousness, and we'll need much more of the commitment and
vision displayed by Richard (and on full show in VEGAN REVOLUTION) if we are
to survive the coming catastrophe.
Keith Akers in Animals 24-7
Schwartz is still trying to apply Jewish values to the basic arguments for
veganism. But he has gone considerably beyond this now. He has incorporated
quite a bit of material that is completely new—on cultivated meat, on
climate change, on fish, on animal rights, and other topics. Even the
subjects that were covered in the previous book [Judaism and Vegetarianism]
have been reworked and completely updated.”
Vegan Revolution: Saving Our World, Revitalizing Judaism is
thought-provoking and sure to interest Jewish people and anyone new to or
considering vegan living.
Rabbi Gabriel Cousens, Tikkun
This is an inspirational book that not only helps people to become vegan but
is very supportive of vegans already living this way. The deeper message of
the book and the moral ethic of Torah teachings is that which is good for
human health and spirit is also good for the health of the planet and all
life thereupon. One of the most important points that Schwartz makes is that
beyond all question the repair, the future, and the survival of the planet
are strongly supported by the consciousness and practice of Torah-based
veganism. This is an excellent book, which I strongly recommend to all those
considering veganism as well as those who already are vegans.
Julie Rosenfeld, Jewish Vegetarian Society (UK)
The Vegan Revolution was published at a most opportune time. With its
emphasis on practical and spiritual ways to combine Judaism and Veganism to
produce a real, long-lasting solution to climate change and other important
issues, this volume is both timely, relevant and truly inspirational.”—
Charles Stahler, Vegetarian Resource Group
For vegan activists out there, understanding religious ideas, can
be an additional method to promote their cause. For religious people,
veganism can be another way to live their religious beliefs.”
Frank Hoffman,
Vegan Revolution, Saving our World, Revitalizing Judaism by Richard H.
Schwartz is primarily directed toward a Jewish audience, but its message is
for everyone in the world. In Vegan Revolution, Richard Schwartz proves from
both the Hebrew Bible and other texts, and scientific evidence that a vegan
lifestyle saves the whole of God's creation, and that it has been God's
intent since the beginning. He shows how a vegan livestyle not only saves
billions of animals, but also saves human lives by preventing many diseases,
and by feeding the hungry of the world, and that vegan living prevents the
environmental disasters that are plaguing the world today. We highly
recommend Vegan Revolution to everyone, for its extremely well documented
references can help people to exchange their formerly distructive worldly
ways back into the ways that God originally intended for us to live. We
highly recommend Vegan Revolution to everyone, for its extremely well
documented references can help people to exchange their formerly distructive
worldly ways back into the ways that God originally intended for us to live.
Rabbi David Rosen, Former Chief Rabbi of Ireland; President for
Israel of the International Jewish Vegetarian Society
I consider it an honor and a mitzvah to commend Professor Richard
Schwartz’s work and all his endeavors to bring Jewish teachings on diet,
health, the environment, and related issues to public attention, especially
to those of us who seek to lead a religiously observant lifestyle, in
keeping with the precepts and goals of the Torah. May his efforts merit
Divine blessing and success.
Lionel Friedberg, film producer, director, cinematographer, and
writer of many documentaries, including A Sacred Duty: Applying Jewish
Values to Help Heal the World
Few books have ever been more timely or more needed than this one.
Humankind stands on the brink of one of the greatest catastrophes in history
and, once again, Richard Schwartz has rallied to the cause. Proving himself
to be the true tzadik that he is, he addresses issues that will help
humanity face a future too ghastly to contemplate if we do not immediately
do something to curb the coming cataclysm. And it all starts at a very
simple place . . . on our dinner plates!
Rabbi Yonatan Neril, Founder and Executive Director of the
Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development and of Jewish Eco Seminars
I applaud Richard Schwartz’s valiant efforts to raise the issue of
a plant-based diet within the Jewish community. He taps into a millennia-old
Jewish tradition supporting compassion toward animals, and does so at a time
when all life on Earth depends on wise human action. He thoughtfully
examines what type of food consumption fits with the ethics of kosher, which
means appropriate. May God bless his holy efforts!
Rabbi Michael M. Cohen, Director of Development at the Friends of
the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies
Once again Richard Schwartz has produced a thought-provoking book. It will
be a very positive addition to our libraries. His writing is powerful in
applying Jewish teachings to current critical issues. As always, Richard is
not afraid to challenge us.
Rabbi Dr. Shmuly Yanklowitz, Founder and CEO of Shamayim v’Aretz:
Jewish Animal Advocacy, and author or editor of over a dozen books of
Judaica, including three on Jewish dietary teachings
This book is so crucial and urgently necessary! We once again owe deep
gratitude to Professor Richard Schwartz for opening our minds and hearts to
the essence of Jewish ethics!
Rabbi Arthur Waskow, director of The Shalom Center, author of
Down-to-Earth Judaism, Seasons of Our Joy, and many other works on Jewish
thought and action
No one has been more creative, committed, and consistent than Richard
Schwartz in arguing for a Judaism that can address in all its depth the
world crises that all humanity and all the life-forms of our planet face
Nina Natelson, Director of Concern for Helping Animals in Israel
If you think Judaism consists of occasional visits to a synagogue or Temple
where congregants perform rituals and recite prayers without feeling and
attend mainly to socialize, then this book is a must read. Schwartz reminds
us that the very essence of Judaism is to struggle to find what is right and
to have the courage to do right, including speaking out against evil.
Worship accompanied by indifference to evil, the prophets warned, is an
abomination to God. Schwartz fulfills the best of Judaism by urging us to
cry out against immorality, injustice, deceit, cruelty, and violence toward
all living beings, rather than condone it with our silence. For, in
condoning empty rituals and standing silent in the face of immoral deeds, we
make a mockery of Judaism itself.
Rabbi Barry Silver, serving Congregation L’Dor Va-Dor in Boynton
Beach, Florida, former State Representative, founder of the Palm Beach
County Environmental Coalition and founder and leader of the Interfaith
Justice League
I commend Dr. Schwartz for his integrity in reminding the Jewish community
of its historic mission to serve as a light unto the nations. While most
Jewish leaders are content to tell people what they want to hear, Dr.
Schwartz, in his new book, speaks out in true prophetic spirit, courageously
challenging our people to live up to the highest ideals of our heritage by
acting as responsible stewards of our planet, speaking out for the
voiceless, taking the side of the oppressed, and practicing kindness towards
animals. Dr. Schwartz serves as a lightning rod to stimulate critically
needed discussion about what it really means to be Jewish in more than just
name alone, and how to live a Jewish life.
Rabbi David Wolpe, rabbi at Sinai Temple in California and the
author of many books on Jewish teachings
We are stewards of God’s creation—how do we treat those with whom we share
this world? Here is a passionate and compassionate guide to choosing what we
eat and why.”
Yossi Wolfson, vegan and animal rights activist in Israel and
coordinator of the Israeli Jewish Vegetarian Society in Jerusalem
This book by Prof. Richard Schwartz not only offers the reader a
comprehensive research into Jewish teachings and their relevance to
contemporary science and world affairs. It challenges the reader with an
urgent cry out for action. For about forty years Schwartz has been a world
authority on the deep linkage between Judaism and vegetarianism. Now he
shows that a vegan revolution has been starting—in Israel and worldwide. But
is it fast enough to save us from ecological catastrophe? And is the Jewish
establishment assuming the role it should play within it? These are
questions Schwartz addresses.”
Lara Balsam, Director, UK-based Jewish Vegetarian Society
A timely, comprehensive, and much-needed contribution to our movement,
Richard Schwartz’s latest book presents an utterly compelling case for
Jewish veganism, and more widely, for conscious consumption.”
Rae Sikora, co-founder Plant Peace Daily, Institute for Humane
Education, and Vegfund
Richard Schwartz has been a consistent, clear, compassionate voice for the
planet. This book once again illustrates his wisdom, insight, and
willingness to speak up. If the Jewish community takes this book to heart
and makes the necessary changes, the world can follow. We can co-create a
world that respects all life.
Roberta Kalechofsky, PhD, author or editor of many books, including
Jewish Vegetarianism, Rabbis and Vegetarianism, and Judaism and Animal
Rights; Founder and Director of Jews for Animal Rights
Reading the first edition of Richard Schwartz’s book Judaism and
Vegetarianism changed my life. It made me a vegetarian and an animal rights
activist and led me to write and edit several books about these issues. I
have worked with Richard now for decades in his tireless efforts to create a
more compassionate, just, and environmentally sustainable world. Now, the
vegan/vegetarian movement is the most important movement of our time,
affecting the environment and our lives, and Richard’s superb new book is an
important continuation of his long-time efforts to elucidate this point.
Jeffrey Spitz Cohan, executive director of Jewish Veg, formerly
Jewish Vegetarians of North America
Richard Schwartz’s new book is a clarion call, a shofar blast, to disturb
the slumber of indifference and to align Judaism with its noblest values.
David Krantz, President and Chairperson at Aytzim: Ecological
No one has done more than Richard Schwartz to advance the understanding of
the relationship between Judaism, the environment, and respect for non-human
animals. Like a modern-day prophet, Schwartz sees Jews straying from
biblical edicts for Earth stewardship and prods us to embrace divinely
ordained and inspired environmental action.
Lewis Regenstein, author of “Commandments of Compassion: Jewish
This pioneering book by Richard Schwartz, the world’s greatest living
authority on the teachings of Judaism on protecting animals and nature,
provides nothing short of the revolution in our way of thinking and acting
that is now required in efforts to avert a climate catastrophe and other
environmental disasters. This compelling, magisterial book is a must read.
Its message must be heeded. Our future depends on it.
About the Author:
Richard H. Schwartz, PhD is the author of Judaism and
Vegetarianism and Judaism and Global Survival
among many other books and articles. President Emeritus of Jewish Veg and
president of the Society of Ethical and Religious Vegetarians, he is
professor emeritus at the College of Staten Island New York. A father,
grandfather, and now great-grandfather, he has since 2016 lived with his
wife in Israel.
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