Vegetarian Christian Saints: Mystics, Ascetics and Monks
From All Creatures Book and Video Review Guide

Author: Dr. Holly Roberts

Reviewed by Mary T. Hoffman



Anjeli Press
Copyright 2004 by Dr. Holly Roberts
258 Pages
ISBN 0-9754844-0-0
$20.00 US


Vegetarian Christian Saints: Mystics, Ascetics and Monks by Dr. Holly Roberts brings a much-needed, refreshing realization concerning true Christianity – not the popular, high-jacked version that’s widely accepted nowadays.

The lives of these earlier Christians exemplify what true Christianity is really about. They set an example that perhaps is more important in this world now than ever before. People need to learn to love God and the whole of His creation (humans, animals, and the environment), and do everything in our power to care for it.  The saints in this book give us insight into how to accomplish this.

About the author:

Dr. Holly Roberts has been both a physician and a vegetarian for over a quarter of a century. She hopes that by sharing the information within this book, she will add support to the reality that concern for the welfare of all beings has been an integral part of Christianity since its earliest roots. Her other books include Your Vegetarian Pregnancy, a thoughtful medical guide for those seeking to create life without harming any weaker beings.

Comments from Dr. Holly Roberts:

“By writing this book, I sincerely hope I am planting a tiny seed contributing to a world in which ‘compassion and non-violence toward all beings’ might flourish. The text contains an enormous amount of meaningful and sensitive information concerning the lives and minds of over 150 canonized Christian saints who chose to live as vegetarians.”

“These saints form a diverse and totally fascinating group of spiritual, dedicated, self-motivated and determined individuals. As a group, these saints seemed to have been amazingly enlightened, contemplative individuals with profoundly advanced spiritual souls.”

“My hope is that this book will serve as a link between the values of Christianity and the value of compassion toward all beings. Its passages show that within the history of Christianity, those individuals who sought peace for all beings and who, accordingly, lived without consuming the flesh of any being, were not only revered by, but were canonized by, the early Christian Church.”

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