Watching online videos of people rescuing animals encourages me to think that if we only learnt how to help animals more we could be encouraged to harm people less.
I’m particularly exercised when human-made political ideologies and
religious beliefs cause suffering to animals. I admit to caring more about
animals than people. Animals are innocent. We’re the guilty ones.
Men even more anger me, as it all too often is, who are armed with guns,
liquored up on politics and religion. They believe they have a licence to
harm, abuse, exploit, and kill those who they see not as them but as others.
When it comes to animals, we generally don’t give a damn. We’re indifferent
to their suffering. We’re complicit in their murder. We’re hardly kind to
each other.
No one will be surprised to learn that I’m not a fan of people. Most likely,
you are like me. But, as I always try to remind myself, we can’t hate what
we want to change. We need people to open up their hearts and minds to
animals. Hatred won’t achieve that.
There’s not much I can do to help the animals in the Middle East caught up
in the rotten net of delusional religious beliefs and self-important
political ideologies. Or animals anywhere in the world, for that matter.
Other than to keep doing what I’ve been doing for most of my life—speaking
up for the animals.
And, when I can, donate to organisations like Animals Lebanon.
I’m overwhelmed by feelings of hopelessness about what’s happening in the
Middle East. About what’s happening to the environment across the world.
Watching online videos of people rescuing animals encourages me to think
that if we only learnt how to help animals more we could be encouraged to
harm people less.
Posted on October 7, 2024
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